My Friends

Animals are the best companions. Stop eating my friends. Animal protection isn't a radical idea. It follows the simple principle that if animals feel pain, joy and fear, they should be protected from suffering.

An injured butterfly that flew to my work. I took it home and made a house on my balcony, gave it food (fruit) and some water. The next day it flew away
I took these photos with a butterfly that flew into the house. He enjoyed being in the picture

Was on my way to work when I saw this little bee stumbling around. He walked slower than me because my leg was bothering me. So I decided to bring the bee to my house so it could gain strength on my balcony
The photos were taken in Krimpen aan den IJssel in 2020, at work on the first floor. The photo with the ring was when I was working in Delft in 2014, when the butterfly flew in through the window on the fourth floor.

friends on my balcony (for years)
adult blackbird stays overnight on the balcony and stays for dinner and breakfast

When I looked on my balcony to see where the blackbird was and saw that it had really flown away, I heard someone calling to me again. This time under the balcony
street pigeons, sometimes I find young ones and sometimes stringfoot pigeons in bad condition, I then take them away to people who take care of them

a fox in Amsterdam

The Hawaiian word "kahu" is used to refer to someone who has a pet, rather than the term "pet owner." This word has a deep spiritual meaning, as it implies that the person and their pet are connected on a spiritual level. " Kahu" can be translated as "guardian" or "protector."
We are suppose to be protectors. We own nothing. Watch Dominion (2018).
"The problem is that humans have victimized animals to such a degree that they are not even considered victims. They are not even considered at all. They are nothing. They don't count; they don't matter; they're commodities like TV sets and cell phones. We have actually turned animals into inanimate objects - sandwiches and shoes." ~ Gary Yourofsky

a butterfly in my mother's garden and some butterflies in a butterfly garden
Cube of Truth, making people aware
Anonymous for the Voiceless, find them here and join

Participated in the cube (pic left 27-3-22 standing on the right). 1st cube was in feb 2022. All respect for people who have the patience to explain to people. It's not for me, dumb laughter annoys me.
A precious moment during a cube: a little boy who looked clearly upset at the images. His mother, obese and shrouded in robes, was photographing and failed to see that her child was upset. I spoke to him and he asked...: "do the police know this?" A child's heart is so pure. They are the sweetest words I can think of, because they show the soul of the child. I explained everything and he would explain everything to his mother because she didn't speak a word of Dutch.

November 2021

above pics left and right 2022

My mother's cat. I asked her to look after Mika's grave. When I asked, she walked over to me and touched me with her paw on my chin like Mika did every day. The cat never did this before, and has never done it again. Very special..

Wie betaalt, bepaalt. Zolang mensen kopen (staat doodleuk 'vrije uitloop, biologisch' etc. op het concentratiekamp ala arbeit mach frei) blijven deze dieronterende praktijken plaatsvinden. 2022

voor het eerst daglicht zien en groen onder de pootjes

Animals are not retarded. they really know from which hell they have been liberated. you can see it in their eyes.

a cat attacked a rat. I took them apart. we became friends, the cat came by every day until his death. RIP Tommy
Donating custom works to charities

Animal liberation is human liberation man (I say this with a Jamaican accent)
It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." Luke 18:25

Join Teaming!
Teaming is an online tool to raise funds in favour of social causes with micro donations of 1€ a month. Their philosophy is based on the idea that 1€ does not have much of an impact if donated alone, but if we join forces, we can make beautiful projects possible.
There are many groups you can support, many sanctuaries like 269 Liberation Animale

Vote responsibly
2023 - very proud to know this man, he is one of the most gentle souls I ever met so needless to say I voted for him

Help save bees
Tried to sell this for a long while for a low ammount but there was no interest in it. I still carry it with me in the summer to help out the bees (sugar water)
Guest cat, temporary (year) from a friend of my son. Roger is the name of the cat. Always enthusiastic and theatrical, likes to listen when I sing, always follows me and always listens to his name. His 'owner' comes to visit him now and then and always brings something because I take care of his cat. Sweet

Netherlands is in the possession of the largest monkey torture testing center in Europe; the BPRC. The supply of monkeys from Mauritius are often the babies, children ripped away from their parents, caught from the wild. Then they are transported by KLM and Air France.

In Croatia I saw this ant mourning his friend for a long time. And in the Netherlands I once heard a high-pitched sound. I looked for where it came from and found a small, tiny cricket in the corner behind a door on the first floor at work. He was screaming loudly because his friend was tangled in dust and couldn't move. I gently freed the dust from the legs with a toothpick and when the animal was free, the two of them hopped out the door. So you see that even though they are so small, even the smallest creatures have feelings. Know grief. Camaraderie. Cheerfulness.
These sweet chickens (and roosters) were super tame and just dumped on an industrial estate.
Luckily they were at my house on the coldest night, I took them with me and then they found a nice home thanks to Trini from Stichting Zwerfkip.

Because of this rooster who came by one day and sat right under the heated display case where the best-selling chicken curry rolls were placed, I stopped preparing and selling animal meat for good.
Chicken in the chicken sandwich video here (right) was another chicken that showed up many years ago and took a nap sitting on the sandwich. Another time a dumped? chicken randomly showed up at the doorstep was only because she wanted to die in peace. She sat elegantly down, closed her eyes and slowely entered the rainbow bridge.
Seen this child so often on my walking route. It was left behind by the owners, but the new old resident lovingly took it over
You encounter all sorts of things during a walk in the woods

Max the rooster was my friend. He was very sweet, very tame. He had been dumped but walked around for years on a property where he didn't harm anyone. Max had a family that he showed and I also got to know his children. Until one day the municipality just picked up the animals and gassed them (I heard afterwards). Poor Max didn't have a chance, he was so sweet and tame, he would have just walked along with them. Humans are callous, greedy creatures, they kill anything that doesn't speak their language.
a half-blind rooster came by every day to get food. until the day came when I knew someone who could give the animal a better life. Now he is no longer chased by cars and dogs, but lives like a king on a piece of land with only some chickens around him.
Drowning farm Netherlands
2022 Visited a demonstration of the (Netherlands) Party for the Animals / Animal Save Netherlands. Aimed at the drowning farm. Called floating farm. I have never visited a concentration camp. This was the first time. You know what a camp is for? Exploitation torture and final death.
Why does it excist? Because the specie is considered being less. It is not seen as a living being with rights and receives an arm tattoo I mean .. ear tag..
always provided snacks for my son's dog, it was fun to see which ones he would choose

I remember all my doggo friends
This cat's name is Freddy. If I walk past his street and want to take the metro, and it is raining, I ring the front doorbell of his house when it rains. Because there is no cat flap. Freddy is always happy to see me.
Neighbourhood Doggo
Animals from family members, friends
Animal-worthy existence
For example, if I was working somewhere and I see that the fish are neglected, I will take care of them until they are in a larger enclosure that is clean and green. This was the case at a few companies, including at a company that originally had chickens running around. That is no longer the case because chickens do not belong indoors. They should be allowed to walk around freely in a yard. I have had many animals in my home overnight to take them to a better life the next day
Veganstreetday Germany 2022
when your invited to an event, snack all day even along the way all vegan stuff and play with doggo
Best part? doggo sleeping on my bed heehee
I found it unacceptable to use this event for the animals to push the human rights agenda, there was talk about helping migrants, about muslim terrorism etc etc which is not relevant for animals. Stop that. And a few blocks away there was a communist booth that was speaking for the rights of Ukrainians and... selling egg and milk products. ......
Veggieworld Germany 2022
try it, visit vegan fairs. cruelty free eating. your body is a temple, not a graveyard.
Help stadsduiven

De foto hierboven is Lady Billie Savage, founder of the First Dutch Stringfoot Pigeon rescue foundation. Join the mission, and help the pigeons in your local area, learn how to 'Catch / De-string / Release'. These gentle city birds need our help. This group is also a good place to find someone to go with you on de-stringing missions. Join the group, click here
Hulp voor de zwanen. En andere vogels als je ze nergens anders kan aanmelden voor hulp

Zwanengroep Zuid-Holland
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Zet zich 24/7 in voor zwanen en andere watervogels met onze speciale ingerichte ambulance zijn wij er voor dieren op land en water die gewond of ziek zijn omdat wij vinden dat elk dier recht heeft op hulp en dieren ook op hulp moeten kunnen rekenen.
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